NEWS RELEASE - 4 July 2020
Short Mat Bowls look set to stay on hold for the foreseeable future whilst restrictions on indoor activity remain in place affecting the venues used by Cornwall's Short Mat Bowls clubs.
An update from the National Governing Body (ESMBA) issued last Monday gave little in the way of fresh information for clubs stating that they are waiting for Government Information to be issued. In contract Bowls England and the English Indoor Bowls Association have issued updated reopening guidance for clubs playing the longer format of the game in recent weeks.
The ESMBA has yet to confirm if the National Championships rearranged to Thursday 3rd - Sunday 6th September will go ahead. Looking into the new season competitions such as the Inter County Championship due to start in Mid September and involving upto 80 bowlers at a venue at any one time must surely be in doubt whilst distancing measures remain.
Locally the emergency committee formed to manage the affairs of the Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association until such time that an Annual General Meeting can take place will meet via Video Conference on Monday 13th July to discuss next steps for the association.
CCSMBA Covid 19 updates can be found online at
The most recent ESMBA statement can be found online at
Nicholas Truscott
Press and Promotions Officer