Sunday 24 September 2017

CCSMBA NEWS RELEASE - 24 September 2017

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Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association
News Release - 24 September 2017

Inter County Championship
On Sunday Cornwall faced Somerset in the first match of the 2017/18 ESMBA Inter County Championship Season at Donyatt IBC.

Cornwall's Premier Team, who achieved there best ever finish in the competition last season when they lost in the final to West Midands are looking to go one better this year.

Cornwall started strongly in the first session winning all four mats.  In the Singles Nigel Nicholls & Peter Hore won 16-11 & 16-8 respectively.  In the Pairs David Balow and David Studden won 15-13 and Martin Boraston & Gill Cawrse won 11-10.  The second session saw a solid response from Somerset restricting Cornwall to just one win on the four mats, Bob Banks, John Worton & Chris Roberts 16-11 in the Triples.  At the halfway stage Cornwall led 10 points to 6.

The mats were shared in the third session with Nicholls winning 16-9 in the Singles and Boraston & Cawrse winning 16-15 in the Pairs.  Cornwall claimed the bonus points in the Singles by 13 shots but missed out on the Pairs by 3.  With a session to play Cornwall led 16-12.  The final session again saw the mats shared with Roberts' Triple winning 16-7 and Elise Daniell, Richard Kerr, Percy Tripp & Callum Beale winning 13-6 in the Fours.  Cornwall took the Triples bonus points by 6 shots but were someway behind for the Fours.

The final match score Somerset 18 points  188 shots Cornwall 22 points 182 shots.

Individual Scores (Cornwall First)
Singles:- Nigel Nicholls (Newlyn Trinity) 16-11 & 16-9 and Peter Hore (Holmans) 16-8 &  9-16.
Pairs:- David Balow (Marazion) & David Studden (Holmans) 15-13 & 8-15 and Martin Boraston (East Taphouse) & Gill Cawrse (Lostwithiel) 11-10 & 16-15.
Triples:- Bob Banks (Boscastle), John Worton (St Newlyn East) & Chris Roberts (Ladock) 16-11 & 16-7 and Rose Dyer (Newlyn Trinity), Keith Williams (Penlee) & Mike Dyer (Newlyn Trinity) 9-10 & 5-12.
Fours:- Dennis Shorthouse (Landrake), Graham Ford (Ladock), Nicholas Truscott (Holmans) & Luke Jolly (Withiel) 3-14 & 6-15 and Elise Daniell (Holmans), Richard Kerr (Landrake), Percy Tripp (Newlyn Trinity) & Callum Beale (Blisland) 7-16 & 13-6

Cornwall's A Team suffered a heavy defeat losing 30 points to 10 and 221 shots to 145.  Cornwall points coming from wins for Des Pengelly & Sandra Worton 12-9 in the first session of Pairs.  Carol Dodd, John Dodd & Brian Wakeley 17-5 in the morning Triples, Meg Horrell, Nathan Waters, Brenda Sleep & Ken Horrell 13-7 in the morning Fours.  Heidi Kerr, Betty Temple-Smith & Mike Webster 22-7 in the afternoon Triples and Sheila Hodge, Dianne Shorthouse, Lynne Davey & Gary Davey took a 9-8 win in the Fours with the last wood of the game.  Cornwall failed to pick up any bonus points, coming closest in the Triples missing out by 4.

Individual Scores (Cornwall First)
Singles:- Alan Holden (Landrake) 10-13 & 2-22 and Ronnie Thomas (Newlyn Trinity) 10-15 & 6-17.
Pairs:- Graham Reeves (Saltash) & Henry Kendall (Withiel) 5-18 & 10-20 and Des Pengelly (Landrake) & Sandra Worton (St Newlyn East) 12-9 & 10-11.
Triples:- Carol Dodd (St Newlyn East), John Dodd (St Newlyn East) & Brian Wakeley (Ladock) 17-5 & 5-26 and Heidi Kerr (Landrake), Betty Temple Smith (Blisland) & Mike Webster (Blisland) 6-16 & 22-7
Fours:- Meg Horrell (Withiel), Nathan Waters (Withiel), Brenda Sleep (Dobwalls) & Ken Horrell (Withiel) 13-7 & 3-13 and Sheila Hodge (Liskeard), Dianne Shorthouse (Landrake), Lynne Davey (Landrake) & Gary Davey (Landrake) 5-14 & 9-8.

Cornwall are next in action on Sunday 8th October when they travel to Exeter to face Devon.

Before that match next weekend see's a number of bowlers travel to Tamworth for the ESMBA Open Pairs on Saturday and England squad members have a squad day on Sunday.  In the County the first round of Inter Area League matches take place at Carnmoggas on Sunday with North against Central and East against West.  On Saturday 7th October the County Mixed Fours will be played at Carnmoggas.

Nicholas Truscott
Press and Promotions Officer

Tel 07800 916059

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