Sunday 19 February 2017

CCSMBA NEWS RELEASE - 19 February 2017

Inter County Win for Cornwall
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NEWS RELEASE 19 February 2017

On Sunday the Cornwall Premier team travelled to Donyatt Indoor Bowling Club in Somerset to take on Gloucestershire in the Quarter Finals of the Inter County Championship Knockout Competition.

Cornwall took the lead in the match with a first session 5-3 advantage.  In the Singles Nigel Nicholls came back from a slow start to win 20-13 and Peter Hore won 17-7.  In the Pairs John Worton & Chris Roberts drew 11-11 and David Balow & David Studden lost 10-14.

The second session saw the points shared with Cornwall on top in the Fours with wins for Dennis Shorthouse, Richard Kerr, Nick Truscott & Neil Gribble 14-6 and Elise Daniell, Percy Tripp, Tom Westlake & Luke Jolly 16-12 after a last end count of 6.  The Triples fared less well with Mike Dyer, Bob Banks & Kevin Williams losing 4-18 and Richard Brown, Martin Boraston & Gill Cawrse losing 11-14,

Cornwall led 9-7 at the lunch interval.  In the afternoon Singles and Pairs the morning score of 5-3 was reversed in Glos' favour.  Hore won 19-9 in Singles with Nicholls losing a tight game 9-11.  In Pairs Balow & Studden drew 11-11 and Worton & Roberts lost 10-18.  Cornwall comfortably claimed the Singles bonus points by a margin of 25 with Glos' taking the Pairs by a margin of 12.  The final session started with the match score reading 14 points apiece.

In the final session Cornwall won three out of the four games.  In the Fours Gribble's rink won 17-7 and 
Jolly's rink won 20-5 to leave the bonus points with Cornwall by a margin of 37 shots. In the Triples Cawrse won 17-7 whilst Williams lost 5-8, Glos' took the Triples bonus by a margin of 10 shots.

The final match score Cornwall 22 points 212 shots Gloucestershire 18 points 172 shots.  Cornwall's Semi Final opponents on 5th March will be West Sussex who defeated Essex 25-15.

County Finals
This weekend the County Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours finals will be played at Carnmoggas.  The qualifiers for the respective disciplines are

County 4 Wood Singles
Saturday 25th February 2017 Sign in by 09:00
P Hore Holmans
N Gribble Landrake
C Roberts Ladock
T Westake Treviscoe
K Watson Saltash
N Nicholls Newlyn Trinity
M Boraston East Taphouse
R Kerr Landrake
County Fours
Saturday 25th February 2017 Sign in by 12:00
E Daniell, C Selby, N Truscott &P Hore Holmans
D Pengelly, D Nunn, Y Featherstone & A Holden Landrake
M Boraston, L Davey, G Cawrse & G Davey Landrake
M Williams, D Williams, K Williams & M Richards Penlee
R Dyer, M Dyer, J Thomas & K Williams Newlyn Trinity
K Matthews, M Webster, B Temple-Smith & B Sleep Blisland
N Gribble, D Shorthouse, D Shorthouse & R Kerr Landrake

R Brown, S Worton, J Worton & C Roberts

County 2 Wood Pairs
Sunday 26th February 2017 Sign in by 09:00
B Temple-Smith & B Sleep Blisland
T Phillips & D Mudge Lostwithiel
N Gribble & G Cawrse Landrake
G Reeves & P Skinner Saltash
N Jelbert & M Payne Penlee
M Dyer & K Williams Newlyn Trinity
R Jeffery & N Nicholls Newlyn Trinity
R Brown & G Luke Ladock
County Triples
Sunday 26th February 2017 Sign in by 12:00
P Duke, C Dodd & J Dodd Truro
M Williams, D Williams & K Williams Penlee
R Kerr, A Holden & D Pengelly Landrake
K Watson, T Westake & K Goodman Treviscoe
R Rawlings, B Sharp & B Sleep Dobwalls
L Jolly, T Jago & N Waters Treviscoe
E Daniell, N Truscott & P Hore Holmans
D Storer, C Storer & C Roberts Ladock

Latest league tables can be accessed via


Nicholas Truscott

Press and Promotions Officer
Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association

Tel - 07800 916059
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Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association
9 Queens Road
St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4RQ
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