Sunday 26 January 2014

CCSMBA NEWS RELEASE - 26 January 2014

NEWS RELEASE- 26 January 2014


On Sunday Cornwall's Premier Team travelled to Bristol to face Surrey in the Preliminary Round of the Inter County Championship Consolation competition.

The first session saw Cornwall take an advantage of six points to two with wins in the Singles for David Studden (21-6) and Nigel Nicholls (17-8), and Pairs for Graham Reeves and Nicholas Truscott (14-3).  Surrey hit back with in the second session with three wins out of four, Cornwall's only points from the session scored by Dennis Shorthouse, Martin Boraston and Gillian Cawrse in the triples with a 12-10 win.  At the halfway point the match score was level 8 points apiece.

Cornwall moved back into the lead of the match in the third session with three wins.  David Studden (15-10) in the Singles, Graham Reeves and Nicholas Truscott (11-10) and Elise Daniell and Mark Eddy (13-7) in the Pairs.  The bonus points were also secured in both disciplines to leave Cornwall 18 points to 10 in the lead going into the last session.

Cornwall needed three points from the final session to be certain of the overall match win.  The first two games completed, both Triples, ended in defeats for Cornwall setting up a tense finale for both Fours with three points still needed.  John Worton, Derek Elliott, Chris Roberts & Percy Tripp secured a win (11-7) in the first Fours game to finish to move Cornwall on to 20 points.  The final game went into the last end with the score tied 7-7.  Surrey opted to try and ditch the jack but only managed to put the jack in the corner with the wood some distance away along the fender.  It was Cornwall who got the best of the efforts to draw as close to the ditch winning a measure by half an inch to secure the win 8-7.  Surrey however claimed both disciplines bonus points to leave Cornwall winners by 22 points to 18 and 175 to 154 shots.

Match score sheet

Cornwall will go on to face Herefordshire in the the Quarter Finals later in the month.  


On Sunday the County Mixed Fours finals and Champion of Champions will be played at Carnmoggas Indoor Bowling Club.


Nicholas Truscott
Press and Promotions Officer
Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association
Tel: 07800 916059
Blackberry Messenger: 7C59B3EF

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