Sunday 27 January 2013

CCSMBA NEWS RELEASE - 27 January 2012

NEWS RELEASE - 27 January 2012


Over the weekend 60 pairs competed over the two days in the qualification competition for the County Four Wood Pairs at Carnmoggas Indoor Bowling Club with 30 on each day split into a group stage with 1 group of 6 and 6 groups of 4 giving 7 group winners and one runner up to go forward to play a single knockout round.

Saturday's play saw Withiel's Henry Kendall & Tony Liddicoat unbeaten to win Group One with 6 points +31 shots.  Illogan's Richard Brown & David Studden were the weekends top performers scoring 6 +47 to win Group Two.  Group Three produced two qualifiers, Wadebridge's Margaret & John Menhenick as group winners with 6 +14 and Helston's Fran Phillips & David Hickey as the best runners up with 4 +11.  Saltash's Margaret Goodwin & Graham Reeves claimed Group Four win 6 +18.  Newlyn Trinity's Margaret Jenkin & Nigel Nicholls qualified from Group Five on 4 +8 despite winning only one game and drawing two.  Holman's Derek Elliott & Mark Eddy claimed Group Six with 5 +36.  Group Seven finished with three teams on 4 points with Penlee's Tom Lapworth & Howard McCormack progressing on +11 shots.

In the knock out round Margaret & John Menhenick defeated Richard Brown & David Studden 11-10.  Margaret Jenkin & Nigel Nicholls were 14-4 winners against Tom Lapworth & Howard McCormack.  Derek Elliott & Mark Eddy defeated Tony Liddicoat & Henry Kendall 9-4 and the final game was won by Margaret Goodwin & Graham Reeves defeating Fran Phillips & David Hickey 12-5.

On Sunday Group One was won by Penlee's Diane & Martin Williams on 6 +19.  Illogan's Linda Martin & Gerald Fisher claimed Group Two with 6 +12.  Group Three produced two qualifiers, Group Winners Camelford's Stewart Hambly & Wadebridge's Derek Swaby on 5 +21 and best runners up David Topliffe & Alan Rathbone (St Minver).  Group Four went the way of Dobwall's Brenda Sleep & Max Burden with 5 +6.  From Group Five Withiel's Joe Dixon & Blisland's Keith Matthews were easily the days top scorers with 6 +35.  Group Six which contained both of last years finalists was won by Ladock's Patsy Wakeley & Chris Roberts with 5 +28. Landrake's Des Pengelly & Alan Holden were unbeaten with 6 +24 to take Group Seven.

The knock out round saw Joe Dixon & Keith Matthews need an extra end to defeat Brenda Sleep & Max Burden 9-8.  Diane & Martin Williams were 14-3 winners against Stewart Hambly & Derek Swaby.  Des Pengelly & Alan Holden defeated Linda Martin & Gerald Fisher 8-6 and Patsy Wakeley & Chris Roberts defeated David Topliffe & Alan Rathbone by the same scoreline.


On Sunday (4th February) the first County finals of the season will be played at Carnmoggas IBC

First up will be the County Mixed Fours with 8 teams playing a knockout competition starting at 0900.  The qualifiers are

Lynette Golledge, Bill Sharp, Brenda Sleep & Max Burden (Dobwalls)
Pam Hamley, Terry Bray, Gillian Cawrse & Peter Hamley (Lostwithiel)
Betty Temple-Smith (Luxulyan), Lynne Davey (Liskeard), Martin Boraston (Dobwalls) & Gary Davey (Liskeard)
Rosemary Curnow, Patsy Wakeley, Chris Roberts & Brian Wakeley (Ladock)
Jacky Tyler (Blisland), Marilyn Stewart, Arthur Hambley (Withiel) & Keith Matthews (Blisland)
Elise Daniell (Holmans), Sheila Hodge (Liskeard), Nicholas Truscott (Luxulyan) & Peter Hore (Holmans)
Jenny Richards, Mark Albon (Luxulyan), Luke Jolly & Karen Watson (Treviscoe)
Melba Kitt, Margaret Goodwin, Graham Reeves and Darren Woolner (Saltash)

Starting immediatly after at around 12.00 will be the County Champion of Champions competition.


Please refer to attached file or the league section of the website


The CCSMBA welcomes members of the local media to any of our events at Carnmoggas Indoor Bowling Club, for more information please contact me using the details below,

Nicholas Truscott
Press and Promotions Officer
Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association
Tel:    07800 916059 E-mail:

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