Tuesday 16 October 2012

St Minver Charity Competition

On Sunday 5th August a charity Short Mat Bowls Competition was held at St. Minver SMBC in memory of Tony Watson who passed away in August 2010.  The event was held to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support who helped Tony through the last few months of his life.

There was a great turn out of teams, some travelling from as far as Sidbury in Devon to play.  Throughout the day £680.00 was raised for the charity.

The group stages saw only one team winning all their games and sailing through to the final with 6 points plus 8 shots which was Blisland.
  They were up against the team from Sidbury who had 5 points plus 4 shots.   

The final was a great game with the score being 7-7 with two ends to play.  Sidbury dropped a count of 4 on the penultimate end which left them a lot of work to do.  Sidbuy decided to play an attacking strategy whereas Blisland could afford to play a sensible game and continued to add bowls to the head.  Sidbury picked up 2 on the last end which left the score 9-11 to Blisland.

Winning Blisland Team accompanied by Karen Watson (Far Left) and Richard Watson (Far Right) 
The day was a great success, everyone had a good time and ultimately raised lots of money for Macmillan Cancer Support.  The Watson family would like to thank everyone for their participation and making the day enjoyable for all involved.  Also thanks to Nathan Outlaw, Sharps Brewery, Julian Foye, Eden Project, Crealy, Sainsburys and Tesco for their kind donations.

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