Wednesday 30 March 2011

Cornwall Sports Partnership Club & Coach Conference

The Cornwall Sports Partnership’s Club and Coach Conference is being held on 15 May at Truro College. This is an excellent opportunity for your club to find out about ways in which you can help your own club. Specifically there are workshops on the day on the following topics; need more volunteers, help running your club, finding sports funding, promoting your club and much more.

Because the Bowls Alliance consider this to be of value to clubs, we are prepared to subsidise the first 20 places (2 places per bowls club) so that, instead of £25 per head, it will only cost £12-50.

For a look at the complete programme please see and select the club and coach conference heading and then the leaflet (pdf). I am sure you will find something of interest to you in the programme

If anyone of you, or you have somebody within your club who can go on behalf of the club and they wish to take up this Bowls Alliance offer please:

1.       complete the application form to the County Sports Partnership and pay them the £25/head immediately – to ensure you get a place (application forms are downloadable from the CSP web site or you can ring 01872 323344 if you prefer
2.       email your details and intention to attend to David Parr. I will take the first 20 names who have notified me and who actually attend the conference on the day (from the conference attendance register). I will arrange, after this check, for the individuals respective clubs to receive the relevant payments in due course.

Any questions please email me

David Parr

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