Tuesday 2 March 2010

Would you like more volunteers on your committee?

Dear Community Group,

We are looking for interested community groups (preferably small groups with no, or few, paid staff) who would like sign up in principle to a potential new pilot project to have a new person(s) join their committee in the roles of Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer.

These people would be trained appropriately for their role before joining your committee and the project would look to target new volunteers from 18+ students and newly retired people.

If you would like to have a new person in your committee to help share the workload then there are some requirements that it would be necessary for your group to sign up to:

  • Agree to being taken through a Level2 ILCM Health Check within 6 months of the project commencing (ILCM is a formal 2 hour audit (plus preparation time) of your group's procedures whereby you would come out with a useful action plan to help you improve the working of your group and committee) (www.ilcm.org.uk)
  • Attend at least one Skills Exchange events with other Chairs, Secretary and Treasurers (a half day event).
  • Adopt proper volunteer policies (which cover those volunteering on the committee as well as those volunteering on the ground).

If your committee is interested in having new board members and is prepared to sign up to doing the small scale improvement work outlined above, then please register your interest by filling in our expression of interest form which is accessed by clicking on the link below:


Once you have signed up, we will be in touch and keep you informed with our developments.  We cannot guarantee at this stage that there will be enough demand for this pilot will go ahead, or that if it does go ahead that it will include your particular geographical area.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 26th March 2010.

Many thanks,

Tom Jane
On behalf of East Cornwall CVS, Volunteer Cornwall and Penwith Community Development Trust

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