Thursday 2 April 2009

Marazion Charity Tournament

Annual Tournament at Marazion
in aid of the Marazion Committee for Handicapped Children.

Held on 29th March 2009.

M. Jenkin, M. Praed, T. Swann, skipped by N. Nicholls - NEWLYN

E. Daniell, N. Truscott, K. Watson, skipped by P. Hore - HOLMANS

On Sunday 29th March 2009 the annual Bowling Tournament, hosted by Marazion Indoor Bowling Club, raised over £1,500 for the Marazion Committee for Handicapped Children, who raise funds to help local children with special needs.

Thirtysix teams of four from all over Cornwall, competed in the tournament which ended with semi-final teams of Wadebridge skipped by Derek Swaby against Holmans skipped by Peter Hore and Troon skipped by David Studden against Newlyn skipped by Nigel Nicholls. Both games were hard fought ending with Peter Hore and Nigel Nicholls teams going through.

The resulting final between Holmans and Newlyn was very close being 5 shots each going into the last end. The jack had been moved to within 6 inches of the edge of the mat when Trevor Swann bravely sent down a weighted wood which took the jack into the ditch leaving Peter Hore a very difficult draw around some opposing woods to gain shot. His wood however just tipped over the ditch line leaving Newlyn with three shots to win the match by 8 shots to 5.

The players and spectators were treated to excellent lunches and continuous refreshments throughout the day, prepared by the committee members. A good raffle helped to boost the funds with prizes being donated by the participating teams and members of the committee.It was an enjoyable days bowling in aid of a worthy cause.

Thanks to Don Falck for providing the report.

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