Thursday 10 April 2008

Success for Short Mat Club Trio (West Briton 13-03-08)

Originally published in West Briton (Camborne & Redruth Edition) 13th March 2008

It has been a successful time for Troon Short Mat Bowling Club, with David Studden (skipper), Joe Coups and Bob Williams combining to win the Cornwall County Short Mat Bowling Association's four wood pairs, the county pairs and the county triples.

The club was formed in September 1997 by chairman Una Prideaux, Eileen Cock, and Ann and Peter Warren primarily to raise funds for the church hall.It now runs four teams - the Leats who compete in the afternoon league; Pendarves who are in the third division; and the Miners and Tryers who compete in the premier league.

Practice/roll-up nights are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays - subject to pre-booked matches - and the club would welcome new members.

If interested in applying for membership please contact Peter on 01209 716203.

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